Tuesday, January 18, 3-5pm
Registration required: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96343854277
This workshop will offer a basic introduction to and overview of the core concepts of transformative justice. It will be a space for participants to learn about what TJ is and how to begin thinking about community-based responses to violence.
Transformative Justice (TJ) is a political framework and approach for responding to violence, harm and abuse. At its most basic, it seeks to respond to violence without creating more violence and/or engaging in harm reduction to lessen the violence. TJ can be thought of as a way of “making things right,” getting in “right relation,” or creating justice together. Transformative justice responses and interventions 1) do not rely on the state (e.g. police, prisons, the criminal legal system, I.C.E., foster care system (though some TJ responses do rely on or incorporate social services like counseling); 2) do not reinforce or perpetuate violence such as oppressive norms or vigilantism; and most importantly, 3) actively cultivate the things we know prevent violence such as healing, accountability, resilience, and safety for all involved.
Mia Mingus is a writer, educator and trainer for transformative justice and disability justice. She is a queer physically disabled korean transracial and transnational adoptee raised in the Caribbean. She works for community, interdependence and home for all of us, not just some of us, and longs for a world where disabled children can live free of violence, with dignity and love. As her work for liberation evolves and deepens, her roots remain firmly planted in ending sexual violence. Mia founded and currently leads SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project which builds the “soil” for transformative justice to grow and thrive.
Mia Mingus: “Transformative Justice 101”

Tuesday, January 18, 2022
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM - https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96343854277
For inquiries and additional information, please contact:
Dan Froot
Professor Emeritus, Research Professor
Email: dfroot@arts.ucla.edu
Phone: +1 (310) 825-0166