Clementine Bordeaux
Ph.D. in Culture and Performance
Clementine Bordeaux is a Sicangu Lakota Oyate tribal member and was raised on the Pine Ridge Reservation located in South Dakota. Clementine received a master’s degree (2011) from the University of Washington, Seattle, through the Native Voices Indigenous documentary film program and an undergraduate degree (2006) in Theatre from Carthage College. In Clementine’s spare time, she sits on the Board for Cornerstone Theatre Company (Los Angeles) and is a mayoral appointed commissioner for the Native American Indian Commission for the County and City of Los Angeles. As an independent artist, Clementine co-collaborates and co-curates with other Lakota women to highlight culturally engaged digital stories. Her research interests include: Lakota ontology, Indigenous feminisms, Indigenous representation, visual anthropology, digital and new media, and community based participatory research.